How To Build A Story That Attracts More Customers

The secret to storytelling that most brands are missing

Brent Tunney
4 min readApr 27, 2021
Photo by Mikael Blomkvist

Storytelling is probably the most powerful invention ever created.

Stories tell us who we are and where we came from. Stories unite us. Stories inspire us to move mountains.

And the most powerful stories you’ll ever hear are the ones that include you.

So when you’re building a business it feels right to tell your story. Who wouldn’t be touched by your dream and inspired by your grit?

If you’ve ever achieved anything, then of course you have a story worth telling.

The only problem is that the people you want to attract, your customers, probably aren’t in your story.

So how do you build a story that does attract more customers?

The secret is… the story is not about you.

Have you heard the one about the woman with a sore back?

Once upon a time there was a woman who woke up every day with a sore back.

Then, one day when she could no longer bear the pain, she decided to do something about it… yadda, yadda, yadda… and then she lived happily ever after.



Brent Tunney

Sometimes I’m a designer, sometimes I’m a UX consultant and sometimes I’m a marketer. Mostly, I help you simplify and clarify things.